Leaders can be found at every level
True leaders can be found throughout a business or organisation, and in every single walk of life.
The word leader comes from the Old English root word ‘leith’, which means “to cross a threshold” or “to die”. Becoming a true leader is about letting go of the old so that the new can be embraced.
Today’s fast-changing, complex world needs leaders with courage. Courage to continually take steps away from what has worked in the past and forwards towards the new and unknown. Courage to not always have all the ‘right’ answers nor perhaps even know the right questions! Courage to trust, be open, listen and respond to opportunities. Courage to care beyond the bottom line.

Excellent leaders inspire and enable others to grow, learn, and be authentic while doing more in service of something greater than themselves
Leaders who thrive in our volatile world are willing to explore, experiment, make mistakes, receive feedback, learn and grow. They have what is called a “growth mindset”, supported by a sense of inner trust and confidence. They are able to sense the opportunities in situations and challenges and quickly take the next steps forward, without needing to have a detailed 10-step plan or see and understand the whole picture.
Excellent leaders inspire and enable others to grow, to learn, and to be authentic while doing more in service of something greater than themselves. Leading by example, they are curious and continuously strive to be the very best version of themselves unlocking vital, creative and innovative power in both themselves and others.
If you want to inspire others, then be inspired
If you are crystal clear about the contribution you are here to make, know what your deeper drivers are and have a clear long-term vision, then you will contribute more to your family & friends, your team, your organisation and your community. And if your choices, decisions and actions are totally in line with your values and what really matters to you in life, then you will have more fun and you will accomplish much more
Who do you feel called to be and what do you feel called to do, in both your personal and your professional life?
Whatever your coaching question is, let’s work together to unlock even more of your leadership potential, so that you are able to have more fun, contribute more, and from that place, inspire and encourage others to do the same.
“If your actions inspire others to
dream more, learn more, do more and become more,
you are a leader”

Leadership themes in coaching:
- Purpose / life mission / your ‘Why’?
- Life and work vision
- Core values, qualities & talents
- Trust, authenticity & connection
- Courage, (self-)confidence, strength, and resilience
- Communication
- Teamwork
- Coaching skills
- Navigating and leading in complex systems
- Working with paradoxes and polarities
- Leading with ratio and intuition (whole mind thinking)
- Tough decisions
- Distributed power & self-management